05 gennaio, 2006

The fig, and the Indian fig

Immagini prese nello stesso giorno, durante i primi giorni di dicembre..

Pictures taken in the same day, during the first days of December..

7 commenti:

sandig ha detto...

Look at that beautiful blue sky!! We have not been blessed with any blue sky as of late... thank you for sharing some of yours! :)

James Heneghan ha detto...

Nice photos, and great weather! I'm off to Spain today, so hopefully we'll get some good weather there too!

Photography ha detto...

wow thats a really gr8 look for the cactus :-)

Arun ha detto...

oh! Simply love the first picture.

crallspace ha detto...

Desert temperatures in December? Global Wamring is here!

Anonimo ha detto...

Hi, nice pictures, will come back to visit! Oh, and you're right about the apostles, it's quite sad that they're starting to crumble, but I guess that's the way Nature works:)

Vulcan ha detto...

Thank you my friends! :)

Here we're lucky when the fog, the rain or clouds are blown away by the wind from the east, that we call Bora.. it is very cold, but it can.. "clean the sky"!

I hope you met beautiful weather there in Spain!
