13 gennaio, 2006

Czech Republic

Per l'ultimo post della settimana voglio ritornare al viaggio che ho fatto con Andrea, il mio vecchio compagno delle superiori, attraverso Slovenia, Austria, Repubblica Ceca e Slovacchia. Se volete visitare la mappa interattiva del viaggio potete cliccare QUI, ogni giornata ha una pagina interna con altre immagini.

For the last one post of the week I just want to retourn back to the summer I went, with my old highschool friend Andrea, through Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. If you want to visit the interactive journey I made, you can go HERE, it is only in italian language, but I think you could be enjoyed to visit it globally and day per day.

6 commenti:

Drea ha detto...

I cant read what you are saying. But I just wanted to say Hi! My friends live in the Czech Republic! :-)

Photography ha detto...

Thats a strange looking building looks like its drunk and gonna fall anytime :-)

crallspace ha detto...

That's some crazy architecture on that one building.

Drea, he translates into English too. You didn't see that?

Alda ha detto...

e bravo Max, bel viaggio e bella presentazione!

sandig ha detto...

I really like the second shot. Well done. Nice capture.

Vulcan ha detto...

Thank you to all! :)

I'm sorry about that but I'm working hard in the last days..

I think you were writing about the interactive file! :)

Photography, Crall,
yes, it is so crazy, but it is famous for that and all the tourists go there to visit it.

Alda, Sandig,
Thank you dear! Grazie cara! :)