10 marzo, 2006

Blu e Arancio

Blue and Orange.. (I need a sunny holyday)

5 commenti:

Photography ha detto...

The first one looks like a shot from a movie like that :-)

sandig ha detto...

so wonderful... a sunny break. i could melt into these shots and escape for a while. love the color. so refreshing.

Anonimo ha detto...

blu e arancio...i miei colori preferiti!;)

R ha detto...

Oh man! I looooooooove the last shot!

Beautifully put together! Coool!

Vulcan ha detto...

Thanx! :)

A movie like that??

the sun has arrived with a cold cold wind.. after a day of rain.
so i need my sunny holiday!


thank you man! :)