09 novembre, 2005

Czech Shadows

These pictures were taken during my holydays through Czech Republic.

6 commenti:

Vulcan ha detto...

beh disemo che penso che anche i taliani capisi ste quatro monade!

acca matina, e cossa vol dir sta roba?? ottima scelta in cieco? o in brail? non toglietemi il mio brail!

~Manda ha detto...

lol that could prove to be a BAAAAAD thing if i ever tried taking a pic while on bike! hee hee

it was pretty scary doing it while driving a car!!! *shaking head* im just not that talented to do OTHER things while driving...
they should make a device for cars that alert...
*female driver*
*female driver*
*female driver*
*MOVE BITCH - FEMALE DRIVER* (with a little more road rage intensity)
hee hee :) i crack me up

Anonimo ha detto...

I learned how to drive a motorcycle before I learned how to drive a car...Your photos make me miss it...It has been a long time (about 25 years)....actually the first vehicle I learned to drive was a tractor...Hmmmm -I don't miss that. :)

Vulcan ha detto...

the next ones are MOOOOOORE bad than these! ;)

a tractor? you live in the country I suppose.. and also a beautiful house you might have a field wehere use your tractor.. I always loved the life in the country!

Anonimo ha detto...

No...I live in the city proper :) -the concrete jungle (not even in the suburbs)! I grew up in the country. I have been city girl for years. Sorry no field here...(smiling) just parking lots.

Anonimo ha detto...

hahah I like doing that .. taking shadow pics as we travel.. LOLOL