17 novembre, 2006

Mime on the Sunset

During the Barcolana's days you obviously find a lot of personages, like mimes, players and so on.. that was very interesting! He was maked-up like if there was a strong windy day (our Bora), and he was walking like if the wind was blowing all in front of him. He was coupled with a guitar jazz player.

5 commenti:

R ha detto...

Man, the second last shot took my breath away. Seriously. Incredible shot. Loved it!

sandig ha detto...


Alda ha detto...

ma bravo, sei riuscito a fotografarlo!...l'ho visto e mi sono rammaricata di non aver la macchina fotografica a portata di mano, quel personaggio colpito dalla bora intendo, troppo forte!

Maria ha detto...
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Maria ha detto...

your pictures always show something unique! I'm with Sandy on this - the photos are FUN!