05 aprile, 2006

Various Photographs

Il mio lavoro mi porta lontano da voi per un po' di giorni.. cercherò di postare regolarmente ma non potrò rispondervi o visitarvi.. Sarò di nuovo a pieno regime nei prossimi giorni! :)

Due to my work I cannot post replies, or visit you, my friends.. I will be back as soon as possible, I hope in the next few days, but I will be posting as usual.. Take care of you! :)

11 commenti:

R ha detto...
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R ha detto...

Take your time! Take care!

Gina ha detto...

Amazing. I love the frog the best.

sandig ha detto...

I really like the first shot! Life has been busy here too. I have had no time to blog... When you have time stop to see pics of the show. Hope life slows down for you soon. :)

Photography ha detto...

Me too vulcan a little busy these days, but never mind will be back in form soon, nice shots though keep it up :-)

Susy ha detto...

The frogs are lovely!
Great photos, nice blog!

Anonimo ha detto...

troppo belle queste fotografie...l'autore dovrebbe partecipare ad un concorso di fotografia...batterebbe tutti...
auguri max

Arun ha detto...

love the frog.

Vulcan ha detto...

Thank you very much for your comments!

In the next few days I will visit you all, and I can't wait that moment!



Anonimo ha detto...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonimo ha detto...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.