07 settembre, 2006

Back from Croatia

Hi I'm back! I saw beatiful places and situations in my holyday, and I hope to give you my best shots in the next days (work permitting).. In just 15 days, and into a place I know well since I was a child, I did 1000-1100 photographs and I need to select the best ones. Saturday I will go for a day to Austria for visiting one of the biggest bikers meetings in Europe, so I will have other pictures to share with you.
Thank you for visiting and replying me, I love your comments!

8 commenti:

Alda ha detto...

...altro che "Isola dei famosi" !!!
ciao, bentornato :)

R ha detto...

You're getting to travel so much! I'M JEALOUS!!! :(

And hey.. how was Birthday? Belated Wishes! Here's wishing you a rocking year ahead! :)

Vulcan ha detto...


grazie.. tornato.. purtroppo :'(


hi hi don't be jealous, one day I will take you on my bike for a journey in your country! yes, it is a dream, but dreaming is beautiful! ;)

the birthday was good, but I do not any party for it, since I was 18, I prefer to spend it with my relatives


..keep it rocking!!

sandig ha detto...


Photography ha detto...

There is a saying by the silly people in India, it states- the person who has mole in his eye will never have a sight problem, a mole in the lip means he is good speaker, a mole in the right hand he is a generous one and on the left means he will earn handsomely, blah, blah, blah, **and a mole on the feet means he will travel the whole world**, i dont beleive in all these myths, but still do you have any on your feet??? hahaha :-)

Maria ha detto...


you're back! welcome... i missed your posts, i'm so happy to see you online again... and, like rohit, a little jealous! those are lovely places you went to, and your lens captured them well. i love it.



Vulcan ha detto...


2 ones on the left and two others on the right! LOL!

I'm happy too you're visiting me and I will post a lot of pictures about that isle: waters, seagulls, people, skies, boats.. I think I have pictures for a lot of posts! :)

...and thank you for the greetings ;)

Anonimo ha detto...

Accipicchia che invidia!
Già avevo visto qualcosina prima di partire x il Balaton... con queste foto inizio a pensare di includere la Croatia nelle mete vacanziere! :-)